To coincide with the creation of our living room feature wall, I decided to have a full house makeover. Decluttering and deep cleaning had been on the list for too long and it was time to solve the problem.

I couldn’t paint every wall, but I could use this as an opportunity to complete the household tasks which urgently needed doing. 

decluttering and deep cleaning

Here is a step by step of my decluttering and deep cleaning journey

Moving furniture & rugs and doing a deep clean

All the parents out there will be aware toddlers throw bits of food and any old item into the hardest to clean spaces. Therefore it’s always wise to see what’s lurking. It also feels great to know the house has had a spring clean and it won’t need doing for a while.

It makes me feel better. I used to be fixated on cleaning and always having a show home, but living up to that standard just isn’t possible with a toddler running around.

My mental health isn’t impacted by trying to live up to an impossible standard. Don’t get me wrong, I clean the house. But I usually just do the basics around other fun activities. The old me would try to tackle the whole house in one sitting and I wouldn’t stop cleaning until it was pristine. Who has time to be that person?

Taking the curtains down to wash them 

We had to paint anyway, so why not wash the curtains whilst we were at it. Mucky little toddler prints don’t help when you have floor-length patio curtains. Both the glass and the curtains need washing regularly.

Getting them out of the washing machine, smelling fresh, made me feel like we’d bought a new item for the living room and brought a sense of calm.

Putting up pictures our little one knocked down 

I love how this post is turning into things going wrong due to little toddler hands, but this is our reality!

She’s been curious about the pictures hanging on the walls and knocked a few down in the process. Little niggles like this bother me. The old me would have put them back straight away, but the new me just doesn’t have the time or energy to worry.

That said, it felt good to set aside some toddler free time to restore the walls to their former glory.

Putting the shower screen back up

We are lucky enough to have two bathrooms, but one shower is out of action at the moment because the shower screen fell down. It’s a good job I was there to catch it because it’s made of glass. Anyway, it’s been stored behind our other shower cubicle for months and needed sorting out. 

But we’ve been too busy going on holiday and enjoying ourselves. Autumn and winter are the months for DIY tasks in the home. It’s great we can now access the other shower, especially early in the morning when one of us has to be up for work and the other doesn’t.

Throwing out the toddler toys

With Christmas around the corner, it was time to finally get rid of the baby toys. As you can imagine, we have boxes and boxes overflowing with toys, some of which we haven’t seen for months because they are stuck at the bottom. (Anyone thinking of Woody telling everyone to rotate the toys).

It cleared my mind to finally organise the toy boxes and move some toys back to the little one’s bedroom. She doesn’t need to be constantly watched now when playing and she can wander into her room unsupervised for a little while.

Clearing out the rest of the house

I went on a serious mission to throw out anything we dont use or take it to the charity shop. Along with the toys, there were household items, clothes, things we have all outgrown. I am happy we were able to contribute to charity.

Clearing out always has a great impact on my mental health and doing this before Christmas and a drastic change of seasons had a bigger positive impact on me.

Final thoughts

Are you due to have a declutter? Have you recently had one and feel better for doing so?

Do you love decluttering and deep cleaning?

Let me know in the comments below. I would love to hear from you.

decluttering and deep cleaning

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