Before the autumn season gets into full swing, I need to admit publicly, Halloween is my fave occasion. 

And I LOVE making homemade costumes for the main event…

We have storage boxes full of decorations. I’m so excited we now have a toddler who understands the occasion more, which means she can get involved. 

I wish I lived in the US because I want in on the over-the-top celebrations. Everyone is out on the street, dressed up, interacting. We are a little more reserved here in the UK.

4 times i rocked Halloween parties with my homemade costumes

Maybe it’s because I repeatedly watched The Witches over & over at my Grandma’s house when I was little, or loved the iconic Halloween scene in ET (US friends, please tell me trick or treat night really is like this??), or because I am a little witchy myself. I just feel like this occasion was meant for me. 

In my excitement for the upcoming celebrations and my participation in #Blogtober, I had to share some of the trusted Halloween outfits I’ve made myself for our Halloween parties in previous years.

Disclaimer – for each of these outfits, I bought the basics and then adapted the outfit . ‘homemade’ is a bit of a stretch, haha!

I also apologise in advance for the puns. Sorry, not sorry!

Quick note: Mummy Conquering Anxiety is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Some of the links contained on this page are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. I only recommend products I use myself and think would be useful for other people.

You can purchase all of the items discussed in this article using the below links:

Witch please, lets dive in…

1. Day of the dead theme

I love this theme. Having taken part in a fiesta when we holidayed in Mexico, this theme is amazing and really gets the party vibe going. 

One year we went all out with fancy dress, bought face paint and all the accessories. We had matching decorations and I even did some baking to fit in with the theme. Our guests followed our lead and their costumes were also amazing.

My hubby even let me do his makeup. We had a great evening.

There is something about dressing up which makes the event more fun. I talk more about the joy of fancy dress in this blog post.

Are you ready to make your Day of the Dead outfit?

day of the dead outfit

The tools you need to create this outfit…

These are the best face paints. I used them in my party days, when dressing up and going out for too many hours was a weekly thing (just the thought of it now makes me tired!)

The colours are great and they never left me with a rash or bad skin afterwards.

I still have my headband in the storage box and I really want to dig it out now. If nothing else, the little one would love dressing up.

I don’t know if I want to let her loose on my precious Halloween boxes though!

I love the look of this and want to add it to my day of the dead outfit. I am currently checking out events where I can wear the outfit this year, when I should be writing for the blog, haha!

This is just one of the dresses I found, but there are so many more, depending on what you’re confident enough to wear!

I still wonder how the wedding dress ended up in the charity shop: did someone get divorced, are they still happily married, just having a clear-out. Anyway, it’s now in our storage cupboard covered in blood and black makeup.

This is an additional accessory and it will bring your outfit to life (pun intended)

I have a few more accessories below which will look great…

Do you have any homemade costume ideas? Share them with me below…

2. Zombie nurse

Every time I looked for an outfit in this category, I wasn’t impressed with the ready-to-buy outfits online and therefore I decided to buy the basics and make my own.

Halloween nurse in jail

The tools you need to create this outfit…

You need a plain nurses outfit, then it’s time to start creating and make it your own! Adapting it for Halloween is fun…

You will need the following to make it your own…

I created my own version of this one. Think more blood, accessories, the wig above, and some creative face paint.

You can then add shoes, tights, fake glasses. Anything you want!

3. Zombie escape convict

I bought the basic outfit, covered it in blood (fun times), and added some of the accessories below.

The wig was my favourite addition to this outfit.

I also used face paints to create a scary look.

I remember this night well. I also wore red high heels and couldn’t walk by the end of the night!

See my Pinterest board for more ideas

4. Halloween bride

Don’t judge, but I once bought an 80’s style Halloween dress from a charity shop and spent an evening, when I lived alone, cutting it up and covering it in blood.

It was probably a result of all the pent-up man-hating, because I stupidly tolerated players back in the day! haha!

I still wonder how the wedding dress ended up in the charity shop: did someone get divorced, are they still happily married, just having a clear-out. Anyway, it’s now in our storage cupboard covered in blood and black makeup.

Halloween costumes bridge and groom

The tools you need to create this outfit…

As well as shredding most of the material on the dress, I also pinned the front up and added tights, to give the full Halloween look.

I used fake blood and black face paint to create a dirty, disheveled effect. Think nightmare-zombie bride. Wedding gone horribly wrong!

These are the tools you need…

I was ambitious with this outfit and made it for the Rocky Horror picture show. When we went out in Liverpool straight after the show, I don’t think people understood the concept. It was a great outfit, but I could have chosen a better audience for it. Maybe I will dig it out and find somewhere to wear it again… Hmm

What do you think?

There are so many other outfits you can create. This article is helpful. Cosmopolitan also has a great article on easy-to-make outfits.

From a purely cost-saving perspective, I love buying the basics and adding my own touch to the finished product. I want to make something unique, that nobody else will be wearing.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post. For anyone who is really interested in all things spooky and wants a quick stop tour of the history of Halloween. Here it is.

Witching you a Happy Halloween

From your ghostest with the mostest. If you’re such a haunt mess with your outfit ideas for Halloween, I hope this article has given you some ideas for total squad ghouls dressing up vibes.

I will stop with the puns now…

Please comment below if you liked these ideas or you have any others to share. I would love to hear from you.

You can use the search below to find other products for your Halloween outfit…

Also check out the amazing Halloween section at Wilko…

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